MUHC Safety Shoe Procedure: Who gets them? When and How?

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Are all the MUHC availability employees entitled to Safety Shoes? Yes, they are.

The following procedure applies to the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), if you work at another health centre, contact the Occupational Health and Safety department or the local union to receive a copy of the centre’s policy.

All Part-time and full-time employees who work in a position or perform tasks for which there is an identified risk of foot injury are entitled to safety shoes. Refer below to the list of departments and job titles within the MUHC to whom this applies.

According to the MUHC, “The procedure (Purchase of Safety Shoes) is applicable to health care workers and any contractual employee working within the job categories, for which there is an identified risk of foot injury; whether they occupy a full-time, part-time or availability position.”

When Are Safety Shoes Issued and Replaced?

  • The obvious is at the start of your employment, then annually for full-time equivelant employees and part-time employees working 20 hours or more a week.
  • For permanent part-time employees working less than 20 hours per week, temporary part-time and occasional workers, safety shoes are provided at a minimum every two years.
  • Employees on probation or trial period are expected to provide their safety shoes, which satisfy the MUHC requirements, and will be reimbursed after passing the probation or trial period.
  • However, if at any time your safety shoes become damaged beyond repair, and they need replacement you must advise your supervisor. Who may request you provide the damaged shoes for visual inspection before issuing an authorization for their replacement?

If your department and job title qualifies for safety shoes and the supervisor (Employer) delays or refuses to provide them or to replace damaged safety shoes, employees should immediately contact, Human Resources or the local union. Employees can also evoke the “Right of Refusal.”

Read More:Click HERE to read more about the “Right of Refusal”

“Safety shoes will be provided annually (fiscal year is the reference year) for full-time equivalent employees and permanent part-time employees working ≥ 20 hours per week,”

“For permanent part-time working < 20 hours per week, temporary part- time and occasional workers, employees are expected to purchase their safety shoes and they will be reimbursed after their probation or trial period. Safety shoes will be provided at a minimum every 2 years. If they have a pair of safety shoes from elsewhere, and wish to use them during the probation or trial period, manager must verify if they meet MUHC criteria and may authorize purchase upon completion of the probation or trial period.”

Procedure page 3.

Can I be exempt from wearing safety shoes? Yes, you can.

The legal obligations are divided between the employer and employee. The employer has to provide safety shoes and ensure that they are worn. The employee has to wear their safety shoes while at work.

However, for medical reasons you cannot wear the recommended safety shoe, you need to complete the form “Special Request For Exemption Of Wearing Safety Shoes,” found on page 16 of the procedure.

“Persons who cannot wear the recommended safety shoe for a medical reason should provide the necessary information to OH&S for evaluation. Any restrictions will be discussed with the employee, union representative, manager and the Department of Occupational Health and Safety,” Procedure page 6.

Can I purchase a safety shoe not on the recommended list? Yes, you can.

If you wish to purchase a shoe different from the selected models, you will need to confirm with the supplier that the safety shoe meets the requirements established in the Procedure. You will also assume the difference cost between the maximum allowed for the selected models and the model you prefer. This amount is payable directly to the supplier.


If your department and job title is not on the list below and you believe safety shoes should be provided, request your supervisor perform a risk assessment through Occupational Health and Safety and your union.

  • Technical services: All job titles, including supervisors and excluding clerical staff.
  • Warehousing and Logistics: Shipping and receiving functions / Pick, pack and distribute stock or non-stock items (storeroom attendant) / Manage and order for frontline carts.
  • Food services: All job titles including supervisors.
  • Pharmacy: Shipping and receiving functions (i.e. storekeeper).
  • Laundry: Laundry attendant, delivery of linen carts and pickup of soiled linens / Launderer: all positions.
  • Enviro-Housekeeping: Garbage collection / Handling of supply items / Floor scrubbing / Main kitchen and Projects.
  • Printing
  • Security: All job titles including supervisors.
  • Biomedical
  • Emergency Measures: Training manager.