"We Are Stronger & Better Together Than We Are Apart."

(In 1969 John Lennon and Yoko Ono protesting the Vietnam war held a bed-in for peace at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal. It was during this bed-in that John wrote and recorded his now famous peace anthem; ‘Give Peace a Chance’)

“Kindness is the language, which the deaf can hear and the blind
can see.” Mark Twain

The changes and uncertainties coming at us in next year/s will be better handled and we will be better served if all of us work towards building ‘peace’ amongst our co-workers from the various sites. A single positive or negative action or reaction towards one co-worker will create a ripple effect which may impact on many.
Before reacting to a co-worker let us pause for a moment to remember the language of kindness of which Mark Twain speaks which will help to turn us into strong labor force which will be better at dealing with new challenges, instead of leaving us divided and weaker.

“If a billion people were thinking about Peace,
there would be Peace in our world.” John Lennon