Three Important Points Staff Should Know Regarding Work Accidents and Incidents



All accidents/incidents should be reported, including violence, harassment, dangerous working conditions, damaged equipment … Although an incident report should be completed as soon as possible, is not necessary to complete the incident report immediately. You do however need to notify your supervisor/manager/nurse in-charge of the incident as soon as possible.


The sooner a doctor is seen the better the chance of a CSST claim being accepted. On the first visit to the doctor at your request the doctor must complete a CSST form.


Only the CSST has the authority to decide if your incident is a work related accident or not. Not your supervisor, manager, nurse in-charge, doctor or Human Resources, only the CSST!

It is highly recommended you provide as quickly as possible a copy of the incident report, any documents you receive from the CSST or MUHC to your local union office. Your union will help with the proper development of the file, contest any refusal and offer free legal representation to negotiate a settlement or help represent you at the Commissiopn des Lession Professionel. The MUHC contests almost all if not all the CSST claims which are accepted.

Click here to download The Accident/Incident Form
Click here for local Union Office contact information