Three MUHC hospitals received radiation contaminated packages

black-and-white-image-of-Le Royal Victoria hospital
Courtesy: Manuel Fernandes


Three MUHC hospitals received radiation contaminated packages

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) criticized the company, Isologic Innovative Radio-pharmaceuticals Ltd, in a report for delivering contaminated packages to the Montreal General Hospital and the Montreal Children’s Hospital after they had been advised that some of the packages previously delivered on August 12, to the Royal Victoria Hospital were contaminated.
Ten of the 15 packages delivered between August 12 and August 14 were found to be contaminated. The CNSC report states the effect was negligible on the health of the workers and the public and with no impact to the environment.

The same report states the company contravened CNSC regulations by taking two days to report the first contaminated shipment to them when such incidents are supposed to be reported to the regulatory body immediately. Montreal Gazette

The contaminated packages were discover by a Technologist at the Royal Victoria Hospital and both the Hospital and Isologic Innovative Radio-pharmaceuticals Ltd. were immediately notified.
Read more at The Montreal Gazette