RVH White Ribbon campaign commemorates 25th anniversary of polytechnique massacre

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White Ribbon campaign at the RVH on December 5th to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the December 6th Polytechnique massacre.

RVH White Ribbon campaign commemorates 25th anniversary of polytechnique massacre where for 45 minutes on Dec. 6, 1989 an enraged gunman roamed the corridors of Montreal’s École Polytechnique and killed 14 women. Marc Lepine, 25, separated the men from the women and before opening fire on the classroom of female engineering students he screamed, “I hate feminists.” Almost immediately, the Montreal Massacre became a galvanizing moment in which mourning turned into outrage about all violence against women.

White ribbon campaign inspired by Montreal Massacre

In 1991 a group of men starts the White Ribbon Campaign WRD Campaign as a symbol of men’s opposition to male violence against women. Recently, a troubling study found that men assaulted one in seven women, but only one in 250 cases were reported. The campaign’s impetus comes from these statistics and the Montreal Massacre.
Source courtesy CBC