How did the MUHC end up with 83 fewer specialists


How did the MUHC end up here?

Cover story in today’s Montreal Gazette asks, How did MUHC end up here?  When the $1.3-billion superhospital opens officially in the spring it will operate with 83 fewer medical specialist as a result of a 2007 clinical reorganization plan by the Quebec Health Department— a plan that received zero public scrutiny at the time, as it was negotiated behind closed doors.
Ignoring the changing demographics Health Minister Barette insists on maintaining the 2007 plan to which he states the MUHC mangers gave their blessing.  This is the same plan the government is using to cut by 15 per cent the MUHC operating budget, which could reduce the number of beds from 832 to 707.
Porter was at the helm of the MUHC when the 2007 plan was accepted.  Arron Derfel writes, ..”the obvious question that springs to mind is whether Porter purposely lowballed MUHC clinical projections in 2007 to secure approval for the superhospital.
Read Arron’s complete story

It’s a jarring irony that’s not lost on the staff of the McGill University Health Centre.  Arron Derfel, Montreal Gazette