Judgement Day – preliminary hearing in alleged MUHC fraud kicks off


Judgement Day – In Search of Truth!

The preliminary hearing in the fraud trial began Monday at the Montreal courthouse. It was slated to cover seven of the accused, but Yohann Elbaz chose to fore-go the preliminary hearing and go straight to trial. The remaining six are former SNC executives Pierre Duhaime and Riadh Ben Aissa, Yanaï Elbaz, Jeremy Morris, Martin St-Clair Armitage and Stéphane Roy.
“The largest fraud in Canadian history.” Is how an investigator of the The SQ’s “Hammer Squad” had described the contract of $ 1.3 billion awarded to SNC -Lavalin for the construction of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) in Montreal , during his testimony before the Charbonneau commission.
Police investigation had shown that two senior SNC-Lavalin executives, Pierre Duhaime, and Riadh Ben Aissa, paid $ 22.5 million to Arthur Porter , who was the MUHC CEO. The ‘Pot au Vin’ was then separated equally between Arthur Porter and the Elbaz brothers.
The 8th is Arthur Porter who is fighting extradition from Panama and the 9th his wife Pamela Porter who pleaded guilty to two counts of money laundering and was sentenced to 33 months minus time served, leaving two years minus a day to be served. Of the alleged 11,5 million the Porter’s share of the 22.5 million, 5.5 million were recovered.