Arthur Porter is but one chapter in The Glen Campus Follies

Photo Credit: Radio Canada


When UPAC the Anti-Corruption Unit confirmed the death of Arthur Porter it brought to a close the speculation and anticipation for Arthur Porter’s testimony  at trial.

The premature closing of Porter’s chapter in The Glen Campus Follies deprives the ‘reader’ of what would have been an exciting and revealing story. Even though this chapter is now lost and cannot be replaced, other chapters remain to be written.

Why after all the negative media coverage surrounding  Porter when he was the CEO of the Detroit Medical Center (DMC), did the MUHC committee established to select the new MUHC CEO pick Porter?

The ‘Follow the Money Trail’ chapter will be a good read, if the ‘Chapter’ clarifies to Who the bribes were paid, What was their amount, When were they paid, Why were they paid and Where is the money now.

What could probably be one of the most illuminating chapters will be the ‘Why Porter’ chapter?

Considering  all the negative media coverage surrounding  Porter when he was the CEO of the Detroit Medical Center (DMC), why did the MUHC committee established to select the new MUHC CEO pick Porter?

“I told them to be very careful about their agreement and include language to control Arthur’s multiple outside interests”. Dr. John Crissman

According to media reports during Porter’s tenure from 2000-2003 as CEO of the Detroit Medical Center, the DMC ran a $243 million dollar deficit despite having cut thousands of jobs and closed money losing clinics.  The reports also revealed that aside from being CEO for the DMC, porter was involved in more than a dozen side businesses.

Dr. John Crissman, a DMC board member who knew Porter for years at the medical school and his tenure at DMC warned head hunters hired by McGill University about Porter back in 2003.  “I told them to be very careful about their agreement and include language to control Arthur’s multiple outside interests”.

Arthur Porter’s testimony ended with his death but his testimony is only one chapter in the Saga of the MUHC Glen Campus Follies. Other chapters including those from the individuals who selected Porter and set the whole process in motion still remain to be ‘written and read’.

Those empowered with the legal authority need to ensure that the remaining chapters in the Glen Campus Follies are veraciously completed, including the relationship between the accusations and the final product, the Glen Campus.

The allegations are unproven, if proven then these crimes were perpetrated on the most vulnerable of our society, the sick.