MUHC head office space should move to the Royal Victoria


Over a year ago a MUHC  doctor said in a conversation that he felt the MUHC had lost its moral compass. He believed  the main reason for this was the physical separation of the head office from the medical sites.

Even at the new Glen superhospital or the two buildings on Maisonneuve Street across the train tracks there is no current space planed for MUHC’s head office.  At the French superhospital, CHUM, by 2020 its head office will be incorporated into the complex.

The Royal Victoria Hospital has many vacant areas which have working phone lines, computer lines, maintenance and security, and can easily and inexpensively be converted into a head office.  There is the Centennial building which is a relatively new building, the Ross pavilion which is still being used by the Dialysis department, the E building is also still being used.

The impact would be both economical and philosophical; “Why rent when you own”.

A 2012 report by government monitor, Guy Baron, estimated that the MUHC would spend a total of $28.4 million in rent at 2155 Guy over 13 years.  An average of nearly $2.1 million per year, plus a 13.6-per cent increase in the rent until Nov. 30, 2016.

Moving the MUHC head office into the RVH might or might not have an impact on its the moral compass. The impact would be both economical and philosophical; “Why rent when you own”.

Source Montreal Gazette