Quebec Ombudsman Investigating Excessive Parking Fees at MUHC Superhospital

Quebec ombudsman investigating complaints of ‘excessive’ parking fees at MUHC superhospital. Photo: Jose Espinal / Pexels

Quebec’s ombudsman announced Thursday that she is investigating complaints about “excessive” parking fees at the Glen superhospital of the McGill University Health Centre, warning that such fees should not hinder access to health care.

According to the Montreal Gazette, the ombudsman’s investigation follows a complaint that the MUHC Users’ Committee made last week to her office.

“I’m referring also to other hospitals that impose parking fees. We cannot say that (parking) is an essential service inside the universal health program, but in certain situations hospitals will count on these fees to receive some benefit, and I believe this should be managed (better) in order to be more fair to users.”

The ombudsman’s annual report did not address parking fees directly but rather certain administrative charges, warning that hospitals must “avoid the slippery slope toward abusive billing.” 

In her press conference afterward, Saint-Germain elaborated on the parking fees, especially those at the MUHC.

In 2011, the Canadian Medical Association called for the abolition of hospital parking fees, arguing that they are user fees in disguise.
