5 Million dollars to plan improvements for Lachine General facilities

Photo credit: Montreal Gazette

The McGill University Health Centre has been  given $5-million dollars and the green light to develope a plan to improve the facilities at the Lachine General Hospital.  The goal is to make it a go-to community hospital for residents in Lachine, LaSalle, Montreal West and Dorval.

Over the next year, a team of professionals, including architects and engineers, will analyze the scope of the hospital overhaul which would include the modernization and expansion of both its infrastructure and physical environment.

The modernization of the facility will include expanding the footprint and bringing in new equipment and will reach a cost of 70 million.

For the last 10 years the Lachine General has been considered an important destination for patients in need of high-end care in ophthalmology. Next month, a dialysis unit with 15 chairs will be open for business.

Read more at the Montreal Gazette