Children's Hospital new owner hints at using site for baseball stadium

The old Montreal Children’s has been dormant since the hospital moved to the MUHC earlier this year. (CBC)

Major league ballpark at corner of Atwater and René-Lévesque would be tight squeeze

The new owner of the former Montreal Children’s Hospital says the site has been “favoured for a future baseball stadium in Montreal.”
Poirier said Monday that the stadium project would emulate Fenway Park in Boston, which is built on a similar small footprint. It would require absorbing adjacent parks and streets, he said.
The combined property bordering René-Lévesque Boulevard, Ste-Catherine Street, Atwater Street and Lambert-Closse Street would measure around 190 metres by 220 metres, which would represent a tight fit but would measure something to similar to Wrigley Field in Chicago.
YMCA co-ordinator Jery Ralainony had proposed earlier this month that the space be used temporarily to house Syrian refugees.
Read the full story at CBC News