Accessibility issues linger at MUHC Glen superhospital

Lisa Rosati, secretary of the MUHC patients’ committee, says the hospital has a long way to go before being truly accessible to wheelchair users like her. (Salimah Shivji/CBC)

Disabled patients’ needs never considered, say wheelchair users a year after grand opening of new MUHC superhospital.

Bathrooms without automatic door openers.
A cafeteria where food is out of reach for wheelchair users.
Patient-registration counters obviously designed at a height intended only for someone standing.
These are just a few of the problems the MUHC’s patients’ committee says still haven’t been corrected in the hospital’s new location – one year after the move to the Glen site.
The patients’ committee says only two public washrooms were fully accessible when the hospital, which spans five square blocks, opened in April 2015.
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