Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, front runner to become head of the McGill University Health Centre

 Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, executive director of the West-Central Montreal CIUSSS. Dave Sidaway / Montreal Gazette
Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, executive director of the West-Central Montreal CIUSSS. Dave Sidaway / Montreal Gazette

Sources claim that the health minister, himself a physician, is a big supporter of Rosenberg’s

According to the Montreal Gazette, Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, the current director of the West-Central Montreal Health organization (which includes the Jewish General Hospital), is poised to become the next head of the McGill University Health Centre.
Rosenberg would replace Normand Rinfret, who retired this past September, would also merge the MUHC with two large health organizations in the next three to five years: West-Central Montreal Health and the West Island health authority.
After the fusion Rosenberg would ultimately become the second most powerful figure in the health system after the health minister himself.
Sources claim that the health minister, himself a physician, is a big supporter of Rosenberg’s. The minister also supports Benoit Morin, executive director of the West Island CIUSSS,  who proposed integrating his CIUSSS with the MUHC in a double merger.
But Rosenberg won out, sources said, given the fact that he’s a physician and Morin is not, that Rosenberg also understands the importance of research, having worked in research himself at the MUHC, and finally, he’s a McGill person.
Source the Montreal Gazette