Manuel Fernandes Appointed Interim President of MUHC Largest Union

From-left-to-right-Rodney-Paul-Manuel-Kuame-April-at-a-fall-2015-rally-in-Montreal - Manuel Fernandes Appointed Interim President MUHC Largest Union

Manuel Fernandes pictured center has been appointed Interim President of the MUHCEU-CSN which represents half of the MUHC employees.

Prior to his nomination Fernandes was VP for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), and has transformed the MUHCEU OHS office from a reactionary role, into a proactive role.
“We have been very successful with the OHS files, but aside from the prevention files, (Currently there six active CNESST interventions at the MUHC sites.), OHS files are individual files, one member at a time. The role of the interim president will enable me to address the issues such as, working conditions, workload and respect, on a larger scale.”, commented Fernandes.