MUHC spending money on lawyers to keep report concerning ex-deputy CEO secret


The MUHC is scrambling to keep a forensic account that details how its ex-deputy CEO, Yanai Elbaz would have benefited from gifts from hospital providers in exchange for contracts.

The hospital invoked for the first time in two and a half years professional secrecy to avoid sending the document requested by Le Journal in the context of an access to information request.
The McGill University Health Center (MUHC) even refused to hand it over to Commissioner Lina Desbiens at a hearing before the Access to Information Commission.
Source: Le Journal de Montréal (Article in French)
Manuel Fernandes, interim president MUHCEU-CSN, was disappointed with the MUHC position.  “Disturbing that the MUHC is spending money on legal fees to keep a secret which the public has the right to know and at the same time implementing job cuts which are affecting service.”