The Royal Vic a disposable, disemboweled architectural jewel – A shame!


In Europe, modernized hospitals housed in buildings several centuries old are not lacking

Excerpt translated from the article by  JOSÉE LEGAULT in the le Journal de Montréal
“Just one example: in the madness of the grandeur of our leaders in recent years, we saw an architectural jewel such as the Royal Victoria Hospital of Montreal sacrificed on the altar of the construction of the “mega” MUHC – itself erected on a background of scandal and bribes.”
“Many years before, the basic maintenance of this magnificent hospital was already abandoned. When it was closed to transfer everything to the MUHC, whole departments fell into ruin. A shame.  A true disposable after use.”
“Unlike the more contemporary buildings, erected in 1893 and recognized throughout the world for its audacity and beauty, the Royal Vic, as it was affectionately called, had been built to last.”
“Now, neglected and engulfed by the gigantic MUHC, waiting for another vocation (and expensive renovations), it is disemboweled of all life on its beautiful mountain side.”
In Europe,  modernized hospitals which are housed in buildings several centuries old are not lacking.”