Help Your Union Hunt for Vacant Positions and Ensure They Are Posted Within the 90 Day Delay

Help Us Hunt Down Vacant Positions

One of a unions top priorities is to find vacant positions and ensure the positions are posted.

Departments will sometimes close a permanent positions while keeping the employee working on availability to preform the task. Certain departments will keep an TPO employee working for years on a vacant position, and do not respect the 90 day delay to post a vacant position.

Local Collective Agreement: 7.01 Any vacant position must be posted within ninety (90) days of when it becomes vacant.

Vacant positions belong to all the employees who qualify

Vacant positions belong to all the employees who qualify and not a specifically selected person. The only exception is the Special Team, Obligation of accommodation and Job Security (SNMO) – Rights which all employees are entitled too.

Email ( or contact your local union office with any information regarding positions you believe to be vacant in your department. All correspondence remains confidential.