A fair distribution of the vacation quota respecting seniority


A fair distribution of the vacation quota respecting seniority

The Union is proud to announce an agreement has been reached to ensure a fair distribution of employee’s vacation selection.

“For the first time since the introduction of Logibec, employees on availability (recall list) will be included on the vacation quota* at the site where they worked the most hours the previous year,” Interim President MUHCEU Manuel Fernandes.

Prior to the agreement, availability employees were on a separate list, which gave them an advantage over more senior employees when selecting their vacation.

The maximum number of employees allowed on vacation in the same period.

Vacation: Housekeeping Department

“The Housekeeping department has confirmed to the Union, that if a member does not receive their first vacation choice by seniority, they will then be asked for their second choice, instead of having to submit a 2nd or 3rd choice on the vacation request form,” Manuel Fernandes Interim President MUHC CSN Union, “The HK department also confirmed that this year the vacation Quota will increase; the number of employees allowed to go on vacation at one time.”

From May 14, 2017 post:  Today is the deadline to place your summer vacation preference