Volunteers Are a Valuable and Integral Part of the MUHC Community but They Cannot Perform Employee Tasks

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The McGill University Health Centre Volunteers make up a valuable and integral part of our community. 

Volunteers provide an essential service without personal gain, but however well intended, they are not to perform employee tasks.

Complaints were received from transport members, and as a result a compliant was addressed to the MUHC.

The official reply on May 16, 2017 from the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), Agent of Administration for the Volunteers, Rita Giulione, is that the volunteers are not to perform employee tasks, with the exception of collecting empty wheelchairs – in passing. 

The Union maintains the position that the collection of empty wheelchairs, even in passing belongs to our members – the employees. 

We are also looking into the RVH information position at the Glen Superhospital, which is currently being preformed by Volunteers.

Update: Director of Human Resources, Richard Fahey had confirmed that the position is to be posted.

Read More: Update: Meetings to Clarify Volunteer Tasks From Clerical, Transport and PAB Employee Tasks

The MUHC response has been forwarded to the Director of the NRC and Transport Department, requesting they inform their staff.

If you witness a volunteer doing an employee task, do not approach the volunteer, instead provide the information to your local union office as soon as possible.

Excerpt from Rita Giulione’s reply to MUHC Associate Director Vinzenco Altomonte and CC’d to John Theo (Operation manager patient transport) and Richard Fahey (HR director)

“John is correct we had a discussion a couple of weeks ago and volunteers are not to push stretchers with or without patients.”

Volunteer(s) in the emergency or on the wards do not have tasks that include:

  • – stretchers
  • – laundry
  • – handling specimens

I will send an email out to all volunteers reminding them of this.