Petition to denounce cuts to the MUHC


A petition signed by 14,000 people will be tabled in the National Assembly to demand that more funding, beds and staff be made available to the McGill University Health Center (MUHC).

Since 2012, the MUHC has faced a budget reduction of $ 120 million, which began under the provincial rule of the Parti Québécois, and was pursued by the Liberal Party led by Philippe Couillard.
“Care units are closed and new, state-of-the-art equipment can not be used due to lack of resources.” – Montarville MP Nathalie Roy.
“Every night, nurses say they have not done what they wanted to do.” – Denyse Joseph, présidente du SPSICR
“What we’re going through is terrible. … We need more funding because the quality of services is seriously affected.” – Manuel Fernandes acting president MUHCEU.
Read the full story (FR) Journal Metro