Woman who left the MUHC without being treated dies

Image: Jason Barnaby

Montreal’s McGill University Health Centre is investigating death of Indigenous woman who left hospital without being treated

An Indigenous woman whose medical insurance card had been stolen walked into Montreal’s McGill University Health Centre last February, only to walk out again when she was told it would cost more than $1,000 to see a doctor.
Kimberly Gloade, 44, died at home around two months later from cirrhosis. Now her family wants to know why no one at the hospital made it clear to Gloade that her inability to pay should not have stopped her from receiving medical care.
The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) has opened an investigation into Gloade’s treatment. Its policy is to treat everyone who walks through the door, regardless of whether they have a health insurance card or whether they’re able to afford hospital fees.
The MUHC’s budget absorbs millions of dollars every year in unpaid medical fees.
Source CBC;  MUHC investigating death of Indigenous woman who left hospital without being treated
Read more at CTV; MUHC investigates after woman who was denied treatment dies