Attack highlights Montreal General Hospital security issues

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Questions of security have been raised after a nurse was attacked at the Montreal General Hospital. Global’s Phil Carpenter reports.

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Attack of nurse at Montreal General Hospital highlights security issues

Excerpt from Phil Carpenter’s report:

Manuel Fernandes was livid when he heard of the alleged attack on the nurse at the Montreal General Hospital emergency room Saturday.
“I was very, very angry,” he said. “This is an issue we’ve brought to their attention.”
“According to the coordinator for Emergency Services, everything was fine; there was sufficient staff,” Fernandes said.
Nurses’ union president Denyse Joseph notes that the hospital gets patients from downtown.

“We get intoxicated patients, we get gang patients, or bikers.  So we have everything.  The risk is there.”

They want to see an extra security person at night in the emergency psychiatric unit and another permanently stationed in the main emergency area to help prevent another attack.
Fernandes thinks someone should be held accountable for what just took place and that it’s about the safety of patients and staff in the end.
Joseph agrees.
“They always raise the fact that there’s no budget.  But there’s places where there should not be budget cuts.”