Health Minister Barrette ignores MUHC employees in appointment of new board


The new board will be led by chairman Peter Kruyt, VP of Power Corporation

This past Monday, Health Minister Gaétan Barrette appointed 10 new members to the board of the MUHC, from a list of 20 names he was presented by the selection committee.
The unions representing 10,000 MUHC employees had petitioned the Minister for a seat on the board when they met with him back in July.
“This was clearly Minister Barrette’s choice to make, and he chose the same old formula, nothing new”, said Manuel Fernandes interim president for the MUHC CSN employees.  “It’s incomprehensible that the Minister could not appreciate the value to include the front line experience of the employees.”
“I’m very disappointed,” said Denyse Joseph, president of the Union of Nursing and Cardio-Respiratory Professionals of the MUHC. Obviously, he’s not interested in collaborating with the unions.” (Source Gazette)
The new board will be led by chairman Peter Kruyt, VP of Power Corporation.
One of the first tasks of the board will be to recommend to the minister a new executive director of the MUHC.
The unions plan to support the board, but will keep a close watch.  As for the Minister’s decision, Fernandes replied, “The employees, their families along with the community which supported their initiative, will give their reply in October 2018′.