MUHC CSN Employee Task Force – Created and Run by Employees

Because no one knows the working conditions in a department, better than the employees who work there, day after day after day…

Why Create Employee Task Force?

Because no one knows the working conditions in a department, better than the employees who work there, day after day after day…

It is often said that if you want to put a stop to something, create a committee. There is some truth to this. Committees get bogged down, become difficult to schedule and often drag on forever.

Therefore, we are introducing the idea of the Employee Task Force. The Task Force is “created and driven” by employees representing their co-workers, sites, department and services.

The task force does not require attendance from management or the union.

The Union Role

  • The union’s role will be to provide support
  • No more than two union representatives will attend the task force meetings as observers and to answer question
  • They will assist the Task Force Chairperson, chosen by the task force employees
  • The union will present the issues raised to the employer with the attendance of two members from the Task Force

Currently Active

The first Task Force established a few months ago was for the Unit Coordinators. The goal aside from addressing current issues impacting the unit coordinators, is to look into reclassifying Agent Admins 2 and 3 as Hospital Unit Coordinators (HUC), according to the guidelines in the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators (NAHUC).

Currently at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) doctors book their patients transport to X-ray, a duty that clearly should belong to a Unit Coordinator.

In late September a Task Force was put in place for the MUHC buyer/purchasing agents reclassification, the support of the newly elected union 1st President and a FSSS-CSN consultant.

Task Force groups are in the process of being established across the MUHC departments and services. If you are interested in creating a Task Force for you department or job title, contact your local MUHCEU union office.