Update: Meetings to Clarify Volunteer Tasks From Clerical, Transport and PAB Employee Tasks

Chris had received numerous complaints from members concerned with the risk of job erosion from volunteers performing unionized tasks. Photo: Gerd Altamann

The issue of the volunteers performing employees tasks was brought to my attention by Christopher Reid union VP at the MGH, right-after I became interim president for the MUHCEU.

Chris had received numerous complaints from members concerned with the risk of job erosion from volunteers performing unionized tasks.

On May 15th has I left a meeting at the MGH I witnessed and photographed volunteers training on stretchers and wheel chairs. An email explaining the situation along with the photo was sent to Richard Fahey, HR director, as a result meetings were scheduled with the Employer, Vince Altomonte (HR associate director), Transport Department, John Theo (Operation manager patient transport) and Volunteer Services Rita Giulione (Agent of Administration for the Volunteers).

Read More: Volunteers Are a Valuable and Integral Part of the MUHC Community but They Cannot Perform Employee Tasks

The mission is to clarify unionized tasks, culminating in an agreement signed by all parties. Todate the following points have been agreed too.

Update: As I leave on retirment the file was transfered to the new executive, the president, to finalize the agreement.

Points of Agreement

RVH/Glen Info Clerk Position Reinstated

With the move from the RVH to the Glen, the RVH info clerk position was cut. After many days of negotiations, the employer (Richard Fayeh ) confirmed that the RVH info clerk will be reinstated. The position should be posted soon.


After the current ‘clerical’ volunteers (5 at the MGH according to Volunteers Services) there will be no new clerical volunteers. A list of the current volunteers has been provided to the new union president. If you witness clerical volunteers, please contact your local union office.


Volunteers can only transport patients for social calls… to smoke, to the coffee shop….
Volunteers can collect empty wheel chairs only in passing, if a call is made to collect wheel chairs to will need to be addressed to the transport attendants.
Volunteers do not touch stretchers.

Patient Attendants

What has been agreed on up to this point
(Time did not allow to complete the negotiations, therefore they will continue with the new Executive.)
Volunteers cannot participate on ‘Therapeutic Walks’
Food trays are set by the PAB (Taken and returned to the food cart, given to patient)
Assisting Physiotherapist belongs to PAB
Patient baths are given by PAB
Transferring and re-positioning patients is done by the PAB
Handling Specimens