New born delivered by parents outside MUHC's locked doors


Laval’s Culzac family is breathing a sigh of relief after their baby was born outside the MUHC’s Royal Victoria Hospital in the early morning hours of January 27.

Doors to the front entrance were locked, as per hospital policy and despite the mishap, the family is grateful that medical staff came to the rescue so quickly. Reported Global News
When the family got to the hospital, they went to the Royal Vic side and started knocking on the doors, the doors were locked.
The frantic father proceeded to run next door to the Montreal Children’s Hospital entrance, where the doors were also locked.
By the time the nurses opened the door, he was already back in the car, delivering his fourth daughter.
The main security desk at the Glen superhospital is located at the midway point between the Royal Victoria Hospital entrance and the Montreal Children’s Hospital entrance.
Read the full report at Global News