New MUHC CEO removes Director of Human Resources, Communications and Legal Affairs


Dr. Pierre Gfeller, who took over as President and Director General for the McGill University Health Centre this past spring, has removed Richard Fahey as Director of the Department of Human Resources, Communications and Legal Affairs.

In a memo released earlier today, Dr. Gfeller stated regarding the upcoming challenges facing the MUHC,  ..”a renewed approach focused on the strategic management of human resources is required”.

Richard Fahey, a lawyer by trade, had worked with Normand Rinfret, MUHC President and Director General, and later with with Martine Alfonso, Interim Executive Director.

According to the MUHC, Richard, “Was entrusted with advising management to promote the MUHC’s leadership in quality patient care, teaching, research and technology and drives the implementation of human resource strategies and best practices to support the organization”

No replacement has yet been named.