MUHC Housekeeping Department Supervisor uses “N”-word when speaking with staff


A MUHC Housekeeping supervisor who used the “N”-word when speaking with three housekeeping employees, continues to remain at work, despite the Housekeeping management being aware of the incident.

Sources who asked to remain anonymous, for fear of reprisals, confirmed to, Manuel’s Blog that the incident took place at the Montreal General Hospital, late Friday, November 09, 2018, and since the incident, the supervisor has continued working his regular shifts.

According to the former MUHC support staff union President for Occupational Health and Safety, Manuel Fernandes, employees involved in serious incidents are sent home pending an investigation.

Fernandes, went on to say that he is not surprised the housekeeping supervisor remained at work.

“After 8 unsuccessful months to address a 2015 file involving the Code of Conduct and Violence Policy, the union needed to write to the then MUHC CEO Normand Rinfert, requesting a meeting with the Board of Directors,” Fernandes said,  “Only then, was the behavior of the interim housekeeping supervisor addressed by the Department.”

The MUHC Code of Conduct states that Management, because of their position of ‘power’, are held to a higher accountability.