Former union president writes Santa for assistance in scheduling MUHC Public Board Meetings


Former Interim President and VP OHS for the MUHC support and office staff, writes an open letter (Email) addressing the scheduling of the Public Board Meetings

Dear Santa,

As we approach the last MUHC Public Board of Directors meeting, scheduled for Friday, December 10, 2018.

It would be wonderful and my wish that the new 2019 Public Board of Directors meetings be scheduled, at a time when the majority of the public is able to attend – outside working hours. Pre-2018 public board meetings began at approximately 6.00pm.

As the new skipper of the McGill University Health Centre, Dr. Pierre Gfeller, works on setting his ship back on course. Scheduling public meetings during working hours, can appear as a tactic to avoid accountability to the community the MUHC serves. Even though I don’t subscribe to this point of view, nonetheless.

Therefore I would like to solicit your support and that of Dr. Gfeller, in helping the Board to see the importance of scheduling the 2019 Public Board meetings at a time when the when the Public is able to attend.

CC. Dr. Pierre Gfeller


Manuel Fernandes

2019 MUHC Public Board of Directors meetings


