Yanaï Elbaz led a millionaire life thanks to the MUHC – Éric Lemay, Journal de Montréal

“The metal beams for the Elbaz castle frame came from the Royal Victoria Hospital building site.” Journal de Montréal  Photo: Courtesy

Before even accepting $ 10 million in bribes from SNC-Lavalin, Yanaï Elbaz was already leading a millionaire lifestyle thanks to his luxurious home built in part by MUHC suppliers.

In 2013, the Journal de Montreal Investigation Office revealed that materials intended for the Royal Victoria Hospital had been diverted for the construction of this small castle.

Among others, Yanaï Elbaz, received the help of entrepreneur Maurice O’Hana, who paid renovation bills totaling $ 563,000. O’Hana, latter subsequently received $ 2.5 million in MUHC contracts for renovations between 2009 and 2012.

Read full story at the Journal de Montréal/ Pots-de-vin: Yanaï Elbaz menait une vie de millionnaire grâce au CUSM