Scientists at the MUHC have figured out how some viruses escape the immune system by hiding in the testicles

Viruses, such as Zika or Ebola, and also HIV hide in the testicles and stay there long after they have disappeared from the blood or saliva.

Scientists at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center (RI-MUHHC),  have figured out how some viruses escape the immune system by hiding in the testicles.

To carry out his research, Dr. Jean-Pierre Routy’s team created a partnership with Canada’s only sex reassignment clinic.  Just over 110 patients have agreed to donate their testicles, removed during the operation.

The testicles are dissected to study how the immune system works inside the testicles, which are made separate from the immune system by a membrane surrounding them.

“Some viruses, such as Zika or Ebola, benefit from this immune privilege. They hide in the testicles and stay there long after they have disappeared from the blood or saliva. Dr. Routy discovered that HIV uses the same strategy.”  Dominique Forget, de Découverte

Researchers want now to understand how the viruses get under cover and, most importantly, how to flush them out.

Source: ICI-Radio Canada Découverte

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