Increase cancer risk associated with textured breast implants – Quebec issues warning

Photo: Efes / Pixabay

Health Canada reported in February an increase in the number of cases of anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with textured breast implants in Canadian women.

The Quebec Health Ministry followed with a warning to Quebec women who received textured breast implants since 1995 of a potential cancer risk. The Ministry also contacted the province’s health facilities to identify the 15,000 women who received the specific implants and for the health facilities to notify them.

Women who have received the implants are advised to watch for symptoms such as abnormal swelling of a breast, pain or palpable masses, among others, and make an appointment with their doctor to follow up.

  • The Health Ministry insists the risk of getting Lymphoma from textured implants is 1 in 30,000.
  • A Montreal law firm has filed a class-action lawsuit against three breast implant manufacturers.

If you had breast implant surgery at the MUHC and notice unusual changes in your breasts, call 514-934-1934, ext. 35953, and leave your name, phone number, health insurance card number and hospital card number.