College of Physicians grant autonomy to Super Nurses to treat common illnesses and selected chronic diseases

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The Quebec College of Physicians adopted a resolution that would give Quebec’s 550 nurse practitioners (Super Nurses) the power to treat common illnesses and selected chronic diseases.

The decision came after Quebec health minister Danielle McCann’s announcement that to improve health care access she wanted to give more autonomy to Quebec’s nurse practitioners.

Quebec’s largest nurses union called the change “major progress for the province,” but more powers should be granted to their members said union vice-president Denyse Joseph in an interview with Clobal TV News.

“They should be able to discharge patients from a hospital bed, they should be allowed to work in their full capacity in an emergency department. It would be so helpful for access to care.”

Quebec says within a few months time nurse practitioners will have the autonomy to treat common illnesses such as urinary tract infections and the following chronic diseases: diabetes, hypertension, asthma, hypothyroidism, high cholesterol and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.