View Your New April 2019 Salary Using This Simple Online Tool

Salaries for employees of the public health and social services sector can be found online at the “Comité patronal de négociation du secteur de la santé et des services sociaux” (CPNSSS) – (Employers’ bargaining committee for the health and social services sector).

Did you know: That the CPNSSS includes all the job titles in the public health and social services sector and provides a general description of the tasks related to each job title. Employers are permitted, to a limited degree, to add additional tasks and they can combine two job titles into one position. The employer must, however, pay the employee the highest salary of the two.

The CPNSSS website also includes a list of all the premiums for 2010- 2020, national contracts and agreements made with the unions at the national level.

Public employee salaries are by their nature common knowledge and accessible to the public.

To view your new April 02, 2019 salary, enter your job title (In French) or the job code, (The four digits just before the job title on your pay stub). Your new April 2019 salary will be the NEXT highest salary from that of 2018.

This does not apply for out of scale employees ( red-circled), with a higher salary than the new 2019 maximum salary rate.

To view your new April 02, 2019 salary click HERE.

Click here to consult the list of job titles, codes and which categories they belong to.