Kurling For Kids has raised over $3.3 M to help improve the lives of sick children in Montreal

Photo: @KurlingForKids / YouTube

urling for Kids (K4K), has been raising money since 1999 to help improve the lives of sick children in Montreal.

Friendly tournaments are held across the city to raise money for both the MUHC Children’s Hospital and the CHU Sainte-Justine. This past Saturday was the big day with clubs and curlers participating across Montreal.

Participants played two games of curling, lunch, and dinner while contributing to reaching this year’s fundraising target of $500,000. Since the campaign started (1999), Kurling for Kids has raised over $3.3 million.

For more information on how to support K4K 2019 contact: https://www.kurlingforkids.org/about-us/contact-us/