New Quebec car seat regulations come into effect Thursday

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New child car seat regulations came into effect on Thursday requiring children nine years old and younger, or who stand four feet nine inches (1.45 m) tall or shorter must use a booster or car seat.

Fines for failure to comply with the new regulations range from $80 to $100 and three demerit points.

The Société de l’assurance automobile du Quebec (SAAQ), recommends parents use the free car seat inspection service to assess if the seat is suited to the child’s weight, height and is correctly installed. To schedule an appointment click HERE.

SAAQ Tips:

  • Choose a car seat that is adapted to a child’s weight and height, and installing it properly.
  • The safest place for a child 12 years and younger is in the back seat. Since they are seated as far away as possible from the points of impact in the event of a head-on collision.
  • The use of second-hand car seats is not recommended, and lending or reselling a seat made before 2012 is illegal.
  • Complete and send the registration card to the manufacturer in case there is a recall.
  • Check to make sure that the expiry date indicated by the manufacturer has not passed. If no expiry date is indicated on the seat, check the owner’s manual or with the manufacturer.
  • After a traffic accident replace the car seat, even if it does not look damaged, because the shell might have invisible cracks.
  • Using a car seat purchased in another country is illegal, as these seats do not meet Canadian standards.


The Centre de recherche et d’éducation à l’environnement régional (CREER) recycles components of used car seats. Visit the CAA-Québec websiteThis link will open in a new window to find the collection depot nearest you.

For additional information on child safety seats visit: SAAQ