April 28 is The National Day of Mourning – Let’s not forget one minute of silence at 10 AM

Weeping Angel by AyJay Schibig   –  Click to view more AyJay Schibig Photographs

April 28 Let’s Not Forget Them

The National Day of mourning also referred to as Workers’ Memorial Day or World Day for Safety and Health at Work is observed on April 28.

The day commemorates the workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace-related hazard or incident. More recently the day is also used to spotlight awareness and prevention in occupational health and safety.

By the time you finish reading this post depending on your reading ability, eight workers around the world will have died. 

A minute of silence on April 28 at 10 AM

Typically flags at most government buildings, federal and provincial are flown at half-mast, and workers and employees observe this day in various ways including lighting candles, donning ribbons and black armbands, and observing moments of silence.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), as of 2017 across the world:

  • Each year, more than two million men and women die as a result of work-related accidents and diseases
  • Workers suffer approximately 270 million accidents each year, and fall victim to some 160 million incidents of -related illnesses
  • Hazardous substances kill 440,000 workers annually – asbestos claims 100,000 lives
  • One worker dies every 15 seconds worldwide. 6,000 workers die every day. More people die while at work than those fighting wars

From Wikipedia

  • Workers’ Memorial Day was started by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) in 1984.
  • The Canadian Labour Congress officially declared it an annual day of remembrance in 1985 on April 28.
  • In December 1990, this day became a national observance with the passing of the Workers Mourning Day Act, so that on April 28, 1991, it was officially the National Day of Mourning for persons killed or injured in the workplace; making April 28, an official Workers’ Mourning Day.
  • Since its inception, the observance has spread to over 80 countries around the world, but is known in most other countries as the Workers’ Memorial Day.
  • The date 28 April was picked because on that day in 1914, the Workers Compensation Act received its third reading.
  • In 2001 the International Labour Organization first observed World Day for Safety and Health at Work on this day.
  • Typically the Canadian flag on Parliament Hill and in most government building federal and provincial are flown at half-mast, and workers and employees observe this day in various ways including lighting candles, donning ribbons and black armbands, and observing moments of silence.
  • The purpose of Day of Mourning is twofold- to remember and honor those lives lost or injured and to renew the commitment to improving health and safety in the workplace – to prevent further deaths, injuries and diseases from work.


Weeping Angel image courtesy of AyJay Schibig Photography