Happy May Day! Today around the world thousands march for better working and living conditions

Today May 1st is a relatively peaceful celebration, its origin though was of violence, activism and injustice. May Day was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Riots which turned the day into an international holiday and was responsible for the eight-hour workday.

It commenced on May 4, 1886, with a stick of dynamite sailing through the air. The blast killed two police officers, causing the police to blindly opened fire on the crowd. Injuring over a hundred and 11 people were dead: seven police officers and four civilians.

The demonstration in Chicago’s Haymarket Square was a reaction to the previous day’s incident when the police killed two employees and wounded others during a confrontation between employees on strike at Chicago’s McCormick Harvesting Machine Company and strikebreakers.

“At the time of the Haymarket Riot, Chicago employed tens of thousands of immigrants in factories, most working 60 hours a week for about $1.50 a day,” Mark Oliver.

Eight men were put on trial for the explosion, even though during the proceedings it was quickly revealed that none of the men had thrown the bomb, all eight were found guilty with seven sentenced to death.

On May Day thousands of trade union members and activists in countries around the world participate in marches demanding better working and living conditions. Demonstrations have been organized in Quebec since 1972.
