New Survey Reveals Crises in Working Conditions of Quebec Public Sector Patient Attendants – PABs

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Photo: Adobe Stock

The extensive survey reveals a snapshot of overwork, stress, and under-staffing with nearly one-third of the respondents, claiming to have, “been threatened with disciplinary action for refusing to work compulsory overtime.”

Since February, more than 8,500 patient attendants (Orderlies / PABs) working in the public sector throughout Quebec responded to a survey on their working conditions.

The survey commission by the Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS-CSN), and published in the Journal de Montréal, reveals that 94 per cent of patient attendants do not have sufficient time to allow them to perform all their tasks. And 74 per cent claim to have a high level of psychological distress.

For more information and complete results read the full Journal de Montreal feature HERE (French)
