MUHC Doctor’s Award-Winning Early Detection Pap Test Is Key to Ovarian Cancer Survival


The key to successful treatment of one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among North American women is early detection.

Founded by Dr. Lucy Gilbert, the McGill University Health Centre’s (MUHC) Detecting Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Early (DOvEE) project is the only one of its kind in the world. DOvee, offers free fast-tracked diagnostic testing to symptomatic women without a doctor’s referral.*

Ovarian cancer, in particular, is often called the silent killer because it can mimic other ailments until it is far too late.


The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often very subtle to non-existent, and affect more than 2,800 women annually in Canada, killing about 1,800.

The survival rates for ovarian cancer reach 80 per cent when diagnosed in phases I and II, but 75 per cent of ovarian cancers are diagnosed in the later stages when cancer has spread.

The DOvEE team, headed by Dr. Lucy Gilbert, have developed a test that provides a safe and minimally invasive method to detect ovarian and endometrial cancers at an earlier stage than currently possible with existing tests, with the potential to increase survival rates.

For more information, make a donation or to get involved, visit the DOvEE website.

Read More:
MUHC Research Institute Team Wins Québec Science’s 2018 People’s Choice Award for Discovery of the Year
Free Ovarian Cancer Screening for Quebec Women Who Are 50 or Older

Source *