The Dreaded Hospital Gown Is Getting an Upgrade – Pilot Project Includes MUHC

patient-in-gown-standing-next-to bed-holding-walker
The new design uses adjustable plastic push buttons in the front instead of ties on the back. Photo: Rawpixel / Pixabay

Patients at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) will take part in a pilot project to evaluate new hospital gowns which cover the entire body.

The new design uses adjustable plastic push buttons in the front instead of ties on the back. Providing patients with a comfortable fit and improved concealment.

Beginning this week, 1,200 gowns will be distributed to selected Montreal area hospitals. The new design, now in its fifth prototype, is designed by the Montreal Central Laundry who claims the polyester, micro-fibre garments cost more than the traditional garment but last longer.