Employer Deadline to Post APTS and CSN Staff Winter Vacation Schedules is Oct. 1 and Sept. 15 for FIQ Staff

Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

If you are an APTS or MUHCEU CSN union member, the deadline for your department, according to the local collective agreements, to post the winter vacation schedule is October first.

For the SPSICR-CUSM FIQ members the deadline comes two weeks earlier on September 15.

The Employer sets the dates of annual vacation, taking into account the preferences expressed by employees and their seniority. The Employer must establish the highest possible vacation quotas, and at the request of the union provide the ‘math’ and analysis applied to justify the quotas.

  • SPSICR-CUSM FIQ, applied among the employees in the same centre of activities, in the same site and in the same job-title group. but applying these preferences by job title and by service.
  • APTS, applied by centre of activities … and taking into account the needs of the centre of activites.
  • MUHCEUCSN, applied by job title and by service.

The Employer must establish the highest possible vacation quotas, and at the request of the union provide the ‘math’ and analysis applied to justify the quotas.

Source: Local Collective Agreements