Old Royal Vic Will Again This Winter Offer Shelter for Montreal’s Homeless and Their Pets


Starting on December 02, and for the second winter, the Old Royal Victoria Hospital will offer homeless people and their pets a welcoming shelter this winter.

The Ross Pavilion of the former Royal Victoria Hospital will offer over 100 beds, up from last year’s 80 beds, to homeless people and their pets. This raises the number of total shelter beds across the city to over 1,000 beds.

The overflow shelter set up last January at the Ross Pavilion of the former Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal received 6,796 visits from 1,585 homeless guests during this past winter.

During the 90 days, between January 15 and April 15, according to a report by the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CIUSSS), the shelter was used 6,796 times by 1,402 men, 173 women and 10 transgender. The average users’ age was 46, and the was between 18 to 85 years old.

Read More: Former Royal Victoria Ross Pavilion Overflow Shelter Received 6,796 Visits From Nearly 1,600 Homeless Guests