Union Wage Demands Leave Majority of Support and Office Staff Earning Less in 2022 Than a Costco Cashier Earns Today

A bitter pill for public sector lower wage earners to swallow. Photo: Ryan McGuire / Pixabay

The new salary demands from Quebec’s public sector unions will leave the majority of support and office workers earning less per hour in 2022 than a Costco Cashier made in 2019. A bitter pill for the public sector lower-wage earners to swallow.

Unions that represent Quebec employees in health and social services, education and government organizations are seeking a three year contract for all network workers with a $3 per hour increase in the first year.

The second and third year of the contract would give workers a pay rate increase of $1 per hour or 3 per cent, whichever is most advantageous for the employee.

Assuming the Quebec government would accept the union’s wage demands, the majority of support and office employees will qualify for the one dollar option over the three per cent.

A medical secretary earning $23.22 at the top echelon in April 2019 will make $28.22 in April 2022. An hourly rate lower than the $28.25 a Costco cashier with similar years of service earned in March 2019. Administrative agents Class 2, 3 and 4 will also make less in 2022.

Read More: It’s Official: Public Sector Unions Want $3 per Hour Pay Increase in the First Year of a New Contract

Patients attendants (PAB, Orderly), another large group of employees who currently earn $22.35 at the top echelon, will earn $27.35 in April 2022 – less than Costco cashiers received in 2019. 

Heavy-duty housekeeping attendants currently make $19.69, and the light-duty earn $19.37, in 2022 they will receive an hourly rate of $24.69 and $24.37.

The Quebec government has countered the unions offer with a 7 per cent pay rate increase over five years.

During the previous negotiations, unions demanded a 13.5 per cent pay rate increase over three years. The government proposed a 3 per cent increase over five years.

Despite the most significant Quebec labour movement in decades, backed with public support, the unions settled for a pay rate increase of 5.25 per cent over five-years.

Read More:
Quebec Offers Public Sector Employees a 7 % Pay Increase Over Five Years
Costco Just Gave All Its Employees a Huge Pay Increase – Starting Salary Jumps 15% to $15 an Hour