Health Minister Designates Jewish General Hospital as One of Four Quebec Coronavirus Treatment Centres

To date, 14 Canadians have tested positive for the new coronavirus — seven in Canada and seven aboard a quarantined cruise ship off the shore of Japan. Photo: Martha Dominguez de Gouveia / Unsplash

The Quebec Health Minister Danielle McCann has appointed the Jewish General Hospital for adult cases with Ste-Justine Hospital for pediatric as the two Montreal coronavirus treatment centres.

The Health Minister also designated the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec and Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval for the Quebec City area.

The four designated sites will treat patients who may become infected with the virus and will receive infected patients from other hospitals across the province. At present, there are no confirmed cases in Quebec.

To date, Canadian health authorities reported a total of 14 confirmed coronavirus cases — seven in Canada and seven aboard a quarantined cruise ship off the shore of Japan.

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