Montreal’s Sainte-Justine Children’s Hospital Directive Urges Staff To Avoid Travel Outside Canada

(Credit: Johnnn Zhang / Pexels)

Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center in Montreal emailed all its staff including doctors asking them to stay in Canada and not report to work if they returned from the countries, on Canada’s public health agency list of active travel health notices for COVID-19.

“In the current context, your travel plans should be limited to force majeure,” writes the hospital centre in its directive obtained by Radio-Canada. In addition to the email, the notice was posted on the hospital walls.

Caroline Quach, microbiologist-infectiologist and epidemiologist at Sainte-Justine told Radio Canada, the CHU’s directive is more strict (than the Federal Government) to preserve its personnel.

As of Wednesday morning, there were 121,231 confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infections in 120 countries, 4,376 deaths and 66,910 people have recovered. There were 95 confirmed cases in Canada.