Public Health Sector Union Wants $3 – $4 per Hour COVID-19 Premium With 2.2 per Cent Salary Increase

In recognition of workers’ efforts during the pandemic crisis, many businesses have announced monatary premiums for front-line staff.(Image: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay)

Manuel’s Blog has learned the FSSS-CSN is demanding from the Conseil du trésor a “coronavirus pandemic premium” of $3- $4 per hour for its public healthcare workers.

The Conseil du trésor, the bargaining table where monetary discussions take place, offered a 2.2 per cent wage increase for each of the next two years after the CSN asked, “to suspend negotiations on collective agreements in the public sector for a period of 18 months, by agreeing on specific measures related to the impact of the pandemic on workers.

In recognition of workers’ efforts during the pandemic crisis, many businesses have announced monatary premiums for front-line staff.

The IGA grocery store chain for example, will increase front-line employees salary by $2 every hour they work above 20 hours a week, plus an additional $50 per week.

Earlier this month, in a memo to the unions, the CSN found “unacceptable” the premier’s offer to quickly negotiate a three-year contract for public healthcare workers.

The central office position was echoed by Jeff Begley, president of the FSSS-CSN, which represents over 110,000 health and social service workers. “Now is not the time to start negotiating our collective agreement for the next 3 years,” Jeff posted on Facebook. (“Ce n’est pas le temps de se lancer dans une négociation de notre convention collective pour les 3 prochaines années.” )

Contracts for the province’s public sector workers will end on March 31, with the old contract remaining in vigour until a new one is signed.

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