Employees who are ordered to stay home due to COVID-19 symptoms or protocols continue to receive their salary

The employer should continue to pay you and not remove personal or sick days. (Image: MeHe / Pixabay)

Workers who are ordered to leave work or to not present themselves at work due to COVID-19 symptoms or protocols should continue to receive their salary and not lose sick or personal days.

If you have been sent home or ordered to remain at home for any of the reasons below, make sure that the employer continues to pay you and not remove personal or sick days from your bank.

  • Fever, Sore Throat, New cough within the last 7 days, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Nasal Congestion & runny nose and New onset of diarrhea.
  • If in the last 14 days you have travelled outside Canada or been on a cruise.
  • If in the last 14 days you have been in contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19.

If you are not receiving your salary or any of the days mentioned above are removed from your bank, contact your local union immediately.

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