Health Minister Orders Quebec Schools to Surrender Masks and PPE Supplies

The minister’s order includes personal protection equipment such as gloves, surgical masks, gowns, visors. (Image: Tumisu / Pixabay)

Quebec schools must surrender all the masks they have in reserve to the province’s health authorities.

The order was issued by Health Minister Danielle McCann, as Quebec, turns to the education system to retrieve protective equipment and supplies necessary in the battle against coronavirus.

The minister’s request includes personal protection equipment such as gloves, surgical masks, gowns, visors and any supply to be used to carry out COVID-19 screening or protect healthcare personnel.

Elizabeth Lemay, the minister’s press secretary, confirmed to Le Devoir, without being able to specify the number of supplies to be recovered, that practically all educational establishments have confirmed available stock.

“The quantities are less significant compared to what is currently consumed in the (healthcare) network. However, all quantities are important in this situation,” Lemay said.

Each healthcare facility will collect the stock from the educational institutions in their neighbourhood.